(Dis)playing Memory

The exploration of archives, histories and memories in Screendance practices has continued in October 2023 with the festival (Dis)playing Memory, curated by Ariadne Mikou in collaboration with the Centro per la Scena Contemporanea in Bassano Del Grappa, Venice, with a set of workshops, talks and screenings. For the full programme see https://www.unive.it/pag/48838/ , an English translation can also be downloaded from the page.

The programme explored the relations between memory and identity and relevant historical narratives and discourses. The screen can thereby be considered as a device that “protects” and safeguards
memory as a kind of aide-mémoire, but screen-based representations also act on and intervene in the processes that create and sustain narratives and histories. They facilitate dialogues between past, present and futures.

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